Properties in Tulum
Puerta Zamá
Condominiums on presale
- 3 complexes w/ 82 apartments
and 24 penthouses on 3 floors
- 1 to 2 bedrooms, 69.34 - 311.20 m²
- Living, dining, terrace, A/C
- Equipped kitchen with granite counters
- Laundry room with washer/dryer
- 2000 m² of pools
- 2500 m² of green areas
- Ceramic floors, closets, marble counters
- Ceiling fans with light fixtures
- Jacuzzi, solariums
- Common areas with pools, baths, showers
lounge area, pergola & lounge chairs
- Near the beach, restaurants & shops
- Approximate delivery: August 2015
$169,000 - $390,000 USD
Up to 10% discount
depending on the form of payment!
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(Updated November 19, 2014)
ID: 1593
More info:
Located in the heart of Tulum and the new urban center of the Aldea Zamá complex, Puerta Zamá offers fully equipped apartments. Its architectural design and dimensions were created to coexist in harmony with Tulum's natural environment. Only natural materials from the region will be used, carefully selected to give you the unique style that characterizes the apartments at Puerta Zamá.