Los Arboles Tulum
Residential & commercial lots
for sale
- Over 1,186 acres of pristine jungle
- 5-acre jungle home sites
- Commercial zone: 12 lots from 7,783 m²
- Ecological development
- Mature hardwood trees and diverse flora
- Fresh underground water
- Deer, monkeys and local fauna
- Wild orchids & flowers
- 95% conservation, alternative energy
- Permeable contained roads
- Wetlands built with local materials
- 15-acre community center with pool & amenities
- 24-hr security, recycling center
- Ready to register before Notary
- With the support from FONATUR
- Includes title insurance
(Cash discounts apply and may vary
according to the developer.)
* 5 acre home sites: $100,000 USD
5% to be used for a residence
* Home + lot packages:
Starting in $200,000 USD approx.
Home sizes 1000 to 2600 ft² approx.
* Commercial: $125,000 USD
Lot map
(Updated September 24, 2014)
ID: 1093
More info:
Los Arboles Tulum is an environmentally responsible community under condominium regulation that ensures the protection of the region's ecosystem, located 12 km west of Tulum on the Tulum-Cobá highway, south of Cancun and Playa del Carmen, near the Gran Cenote, the Mayan Ruins at Tulum and Cobá, Sian Ka'an, Xel-Ha Ecological Park, and the turtle sanctuary at Xcacel.